Sunday, February 15, 2009

The End.

This is it. As of today Sofa King New England is retired for the season. All teams are to submit their footage no later than March 1, 2009. Everyone is invited to the finale party at Loon Mountain the evening of Last Call on March 25 where we'll premiere the video and announce winners.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Waterville Park Update.

Yoo teams,

We had a Waterville packed weekend. The place is super fun and doesn't get nearly as crowded as it's bird-named neighbor. Waterville's Poma rope tow is known by many and offers the most personal park experience, plus Joeys and Chads have no idea how to ride it. Check it out.

Click picture for video.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crotched Mountain Park Update.

Heyy teams,

If you haven't made your way to Crotched Mountain yet you're totally blowing it. Nestled in Bennington, NH Crotched is a good drive off the highway. Because of this you'll find no lift lines and fresh pow for days. This hidden gem of NH is one of the most fun and laid back places I've rode. May I present to you stop #3 of the Sofa King Park Update series, Crotched Mountain.

Click picture for video.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Team Shred Till' Death Update.

The last minute team of S.T.D. is taking no prisoners this month. I've heard nothing but the absolute best about their abilities and dedication. Here's a few shots of the guys taking full advantage of their free tickets. If any team plans to win they will have to step up and take the reins from these Vermonters.

Team STD navigated their way to Loon.

Eric Ward switch 5050 no spin on or off.

Skylar Thomas on the People's Elbow.

Skylar Thomas with the best photo of the contest so far.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mini Loon Mountain Update

Hiii there,

Loon is straight KILLING it this season. As of now they have the top section of the LMP up and a double hubba line on the bottom half before the superpipe. Over on Little Sister you'll also find the medium park comprised of many fun elements. Look for the entire LMP to be open with a new triple line and a secret playground of jibs soon. Until then we present the Mini Loon Update.

Click picture for video.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Urban List Update.

Yooo teams,

Every team will get each mountain's list when they first arrive there to film. In between stops here are some things to do. Each team is required to do at least one objective. The more objectives you do obviously the more points you get. All filming must be complete no later than Friday February 13, 2009. Any questions send to
  • Create a unique log jib in any city park. This can't be just any fallen log in the woods.
  • Find any urban rail and have all four riders trick on it. More steps = more points.
  • Jump in or over a frigid Vermont river.
  • Team trick over a snowman. Extra points for the best snowman.
  • Trick at City View School rail in Worcester, MA. Don't know where it is? Google it.
  • Any rail in Plymouth, NH - then crash a random college party with your snowboards. More points for the most awkward party.
  • Team tailblock at the Vermont Welcome Center off I-91N.
  • Build a BMX-style track at least four jumps long and team trick it.
Coming soon - random compliments list.

Kick Off Party Coverage.

Thank you to all who braved the falling snow to come out Saturday night. Fun times were had by all. A big thanks to Team Masshole for proving why Massachusetts is so bad ass by breaking and burning part of the couch. It's too bad karma bit them in the end. If anyone has any photos or video they'd like to submit from the evening please send it to

Click picture for video.

Random Sofa King Sighting.

Metty came across this the other day. Hooray Elderly Mafia. Keep it up.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sofa King Opportunistic!

To any team entered we have a special opportunity for you.

The evening of Saturday December 17 is Crotched's Video Park. This is a private shoot where different film crews travel from all around to session a unique setup. Video Park is invite only so there'll be no Joeys or Chads in your way. Craig over in marketing is allowing ANY Sofa King team to enter this special session. Lift tickets will again be free but this time with one hitch. In order to get your ticket you must donate one piece of used snowboard equipment (goggles, gloves, boots, etc.) to their charity of choice. This is NOT required for the contest, just a perk of being Sofa King cool.Any team interested in this email Craig at Explain that you're a team and would like a spot in Video Park.

Wachusett Mountain Update #2!!!

Yes, it's true, Wachusett has a full park as of Thursday. Park Passes are in full effect as of now. To get yours find a perky park person at the bottom of the Minuteman Lift inside the tent. From there's it's a quick ten minute video plus $5 and the park is yours to slay. Click here for the Competition Zone update.

Here is the first installment of our park update series. Click the picture for video.

Team Update - Team S.E.X.

Team Shred Extra Xtreme is comprised of a few unique Wachusett locals including Brandon Honeycutt, Joel Quinnones, Will Mayo, and Jay Giannunzio. They are also fortunate enough to have the wildly experienced cinematographer from VT Ian Post shooting them day-to-day. These boys just plain love to snowboard. I grew up riding with most of this crew and literally every day is a new, fun, and hilarious experience with them. All five of them never cease to amaze me. I was fortunate enough to sit down with three of them and get their views, life stories, and whatever other stupid things they could say.

The boys of Team S.E.X. get personal in front of the fireplace.

Brandon Honeycutt
December 28, 2008 2:11am - Team Masshole's Household
-Team S.E.X. parties with Team Masshole

Our eyes instantly lock from across the room; Brandon Honeycutt is my first victim.

So Brandon, what first attracted you to this contest?

BH: Well Facebook definitely had a big influence on me. I then saw that you were involved and was instantly attracted physically and emotionally. sweet of you...Now you being a Wawa local, which mountain are you looking forward to most and why?

BH: Crotched because I'm a broke college student and I get better gas mileage on the back roads to Francestown, NH haha.

Oh the college life must be tough...

BH: Yeah, I don't get much time (gulps his beer)...but I'm done January 2 so it'll give me more time to focus on this project.

Bobby Orcini of Team Masshole interrupts -
Team S.E.X. and Team Masshole party like it's 1999!

So what's your beverage of choice tonight?

BH: Bud Light and whatever you're drinking hahahaha.(Hold ups my Magic Hat)

Brandon and I get sidetracked discussing sushi-dating tips.

Wait, so you're still underage right?

BH: Yes.

In the lodge with Will Mayo.
January 4, 2009 4:03pm

So Will I understand you're a Maine transplant, how'd that come about?

WM: Well I'm going to school at WPI in Worcester and having a good time riding Wachusett every night.

Oh so you're one of those engi-nerd type guys right is that how it goes?

WM: Haha right I like math.

Finish the equation, Y = mX + what?

WM: Umm...I'll have to get back to you on that one.

So I understand you helped Snow Grind build the competition booter at Wachusett, how'd that go?

WM: Yeah I've been working with Josh for a few years helping him out at a bunch of resorts building stuff. We stayed up a good portion of the night and build a super progressive jump that wasn't intimidating. He's definitely the best cat driver in New England and a good friend.

Nice. So your love of physics and math must have really helped you with this right?

WM: Yesss definitely haha. I'm always thinking about Newton's Laws of Gravity.

So for Sofa King which mountain are you looking most forward to?

WM: Definitely Mount Snow over in Vermont. They're killing it this year with the Carinthia parks.

What's your role in Team S.E.X.?

WM: I'm the shy and cute one. It works better that way because I can't open my mouth and say something stupid, which tends to work with all the ladies haha.

Nice, well good luck with the rest of the boy band.

WM: Absolute, keep an eye out for the Team S.E.X. photo calendar dropping in late spring.

I dream about it every night.

On the chairlift with Jay Gianunzio.
Sunday January 4, 2009 4:31pm

So Jay you like snowboarding?

JG: Yeah I thought about it, decided that I like it. So I do. What about you?

I've been known to push the snow around a little bit. It's that freestyle trickery stff that's populat these days. So of all the mountains in Sofa King which are you looking forward to most?

JG: Ohh that's a tough one. Pretty much Wachusett, should be fun.

But Jay, you have a season pass there.

JG: Yes I know that's why haha. what's your role in Team S.E.X.?

JG: The receiver. Well, and the giver too I guess. You'll just have to wait and see at the video premiere. You can count on that.

Night vision and such?

JG: Dude, I invented night vision. Should be fun though.

So what first attracted you to this contest?

JG: Well Brandon started telling me about it and I started to feel a little tingle inside of me. Then I learned that you were involved and the tingle free tickets are cool. I'm really looking forward to getting some legit footage and photos. It's been a few years since we've really put a project together so this is a great way to get back in the groove of things. Road trips with ese guys always turn out to be an adventure.

That's cool. So which do you get more female stalkers on, Facebook or Myspace?

JG: Hey, you weren't supposed to tell anyone about those...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wachusett Mountain Update.

Yooo so Wachusett has been pumping out the snow to help build their new parks this year. There have been a lot of changes this season to Wawa. First off, the mountain has lost the on going battle with the halfpipe. Instead it's spot will be transformed into the new Competition Zone which opened Sunday on the lower part of Look Mom trail. This section will be closed to the public during competitions and on weekend days for the Extreme Team. Snow Grind did an excellent job of building a 30-35 foot jump followed by three rail options at the bottom.

Look here for new updates on the rest of the Look Mom park along with the new Triple Play and Jib Jammer parks as well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sofa King Kick Off Party

Hey guys,

This Saturday January 10th is going to be our kick off party at Crotched Mountain. The bash starts at 6pm so get there then to receive your ticket. Saturday is also Crotched's Midnight Madness so your ticket is good until 3am! Everyone on a team is guaranteed a ticket. To get your ticket each member must fill out all the appropriate photo and video releases. We will have a list of objectives for Crotched that evening, so bring your cameras and start filming. If you don't get everything that night, no big deal, we'll give you another ticket good until the end of the contest. All members are required to attend. Bring as many friends as you'd like, let's make this a kickin' party. If for some reason a member cannot attend, please let me know at sofakingnewengland@gmail.c
om so we can work something out.

Our party is sponsored by Playboy Energy Drink , Jamn' 94.5, and Eastern Boarder. Join DJ Pupdawg, Krazy Kulo and the Playboy energy girls for some "fun" in the snow. Slalom races, sled races and a rail jam with the Eastern Boarder crew is just the tip of the snowball. There will be games and prizes all night definitely do not want to miss this one.

First objective - Serenade a Playboy Bunny and get her number.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sofa King Video Requirments


Ok teams I wanted to go over a few things regarding the videos being submitted to give you a heads up. In order to make things easy on the judges and overall editing time, a few rules and guidelines must be followed.
1. All videos must be edited down. (Yes this means you are going to have to find someone who knows how to edit a video, and make it look as clean as possible.)
-What if I don’t have/know anyone that has an editing system? Tough cookies

2. The videos must be submitted in a .mov file format and put on a data DVD. No windows formats, they’re a thing of the past.

3. When filming the video, make sure you clarify everyone’s name throughout the video. People change outfits, so document this by having them simply say their name when filming a new spot. EDIT it in!

4. Look at this competition as a documentary. SO document everything, interview each other about you’re progress; tell a story of some crazy situation, anything. If something crazy happens, it better be on tape. The more dialogue the better, points will be rewarded for this. In the end, all the video submitted are going to be edited down into on big documentary.

If you have questions regarding the video formant or and requirements, send them to

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hey Guys,

For any team that is interested in entering, please have ONE person from that team email asking for an application. From there you will have to complete the application and then email it back. This contest is on a first come first serve basis so hurry up!