Friday, December 26, 2008

Sofa King Video Requirments


Ok teams I wanted to go over a few things regarding the videos being submitted to give you a heads up. In order to make things easy on the judges and overall editing time, a few rules and guidelines must be followed.
1. All videos must be edited down. (Yes this means you are going to have to find someone who knows how to edit a video, and make it look as clean as possible.)
-What if I don’t have/know anyone that has an editing system? Tough cookies

2. The videos must be submitted in a .mov file format and put on a data DVD. No windows formats, they’re a thing of the past.

3. When filming the video, make sure you clarify everyone’s name throughout the video. People change outfits, so document this by having them simply say their name when filming a new spot. EDIT it in!

4. Look at this competition as a documentary. SO document everything, interview each other about you’re progress; tell a story of some crazy situation, anything. If something crazy happens, it better be on tape. The more dialogue the better, points will be rewarded for this. In the end, all the video submitted are going to be edited down into on big documentary.

If you have questions regarding the video formant or and requirements, send them to

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